Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Procrastination Time: Trees

Sometimes I try to get work done but end up just looking at pictures of trees. 

I posted a very similar sentiment on Facebook one time and received a very positive response, which makes me think that it may be a habit I share with others, and it's definitely a habit I would like to encourage. 

The best trees to look at are the unexpected ones with fun shapes or colors. Otherwise I could just go outside or look out my window. 

To start you off on your tree journey, look at these trees I found on flickr: 

Now, since you're definitely not ready to be done looking at trees, go do a Google images search for "trees". Then start exploring the different suggested modifiers like "maple" or "cherry" or "rainforest" or "strange". But first probably contact your friends and family and let them know where you are so they don't worry when they don't see you for days. 

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