Thursday, June 6, 2019

Goosebumps book 8: The Girl Who Cried Monster - She's got the monster of all problems!

Brief Summary: 

Lucy LOVES monsters, and loves to make up monster stories and scare her brother and her friends any chance she gets. But when she finds out the local librarian is a real monster, no one will believe her! So she sets out to prove to her parents that this time she's really telling the truth.

Spoilers and Review:

Most of this book was not very interesting, I was kinda annoyed with Lucy because it was like she didn't understand why no one would believe her and her poor little brother was constantly horrified because of her. At one point Lucy, referencing her mom, said, "She was always giving me weather reports" which is an exact thought I've had about my mother so that was fun. 

I also didn't really understand what kind of monster Mr. Mortman was. The descriptions made me think of like a fly or a frog or something but giant and eats turtles and flies and fish. Eventually he gets suspicious that Lucy knows his secret and like chases her all over town, but like... was he going to eat her? It's very unclear.


The twist ending on this one really got me. It literally made me scream. The whole time I was waiting for him to be like a good monster or something, to be like, "Lucy wait! I just eat flies but I don't hurt people!" But instead Lucy's friend Aaron finally sees the monster and her parents believe him IMMEDIATELY when he confirms Lucy's story and then for some reason they invite the librarian-monster over for dinner AND EAT HIM. Mr. Mortman is all, "what's for dinner?" and Lucy's parents are like, "YOU ARE!" and then R.L. Stine is like "They both pounced on him. Their fangs popped down And they gobbled the librarian up in less than a minute, bones and all." 

And I screamed.

And then Lucy is like, "My brother and I haven't gotten our fangs yet. That's why we couldn't join in." 

And I screamed again. 

The Rating: 

The twist ending was INCREDIBLE and I considered giving it 2nd or even 1st place so far, but the story really was so boring until the end of the last chapter but I still think I'm putting it in 3rd because it destroyed me.
  1. Night of the Living Dummy (#7)
  2. Stay Out of the Basement (#2)
  3. The Girl Who Cried Monster (#8)
  4. Say Cheese and Die! (#4)
  5. Let's Get Invisible! (#6)
  6. Monster Blood (#3)
  7. Welcome to Dead House (#1)
  8. The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (#5)

Next is Welcome to Camp Nightmare which I am very excited for because I love camp.

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